WhatsApp Scams Targeting Recruitment Companies

3 Min

We at Harrington Starr want to alert our network about an ongoing international scam.Fraudul...

We at Harrington Starr want to alert our network about an ongoing international scam.

Fraudulent WhatsApp messages from fake recruiters claiming to be from Harrington Starr or other recruitment companies are being sent from international phone numbers.

Rest assured, Harrington Starr has not experienced a data breach. Your data is safe with us. Please contact us at GDPR@harringtonstarr.com if you’d like more information on our data protection and policies.

 If you receive a suspicious message, block and report it immediately.

How to Identify Scammers:

  • Check the recruiter's professional profiles on LinkedIn, or on our website, here.
  • Verify if they contacted you from a corporate email address.
  • Look for typos or grammatical mistakes.
  • Never share personal information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, birth dates, or passwords.
  • We currently have offices in England, Northern Ireland and America only. So, if you receive a message from a number that starts with any international dial code other than +44, +353, or +1, chances are it’s not from us.

 What to Do if Approached by Scammers:

Stay vigilant and stay safe!

Site by Venn