FinTech's DEI Discussions #Women of FinTech | Elke Bachler, Head of Cyber Security Services at Marsh

Nadia Edwards-Dashti, CCO & Elke Bachler,

Joining Nadia on this episode of The DEI Discussions is Elke Bachler, Head of Cyber Security Services at Marsh. Cyber Security, as we know it, is a relatively new field; and it continues to change rapidly with new automation and tools being devised to serve not only the good customers, but also the "bad ones".

And as Elke stresses, this places unique demands on talent acquisition. What skillsets and experience are you looking for? Do we need to put a greater demand on transferable skills? 

What sort of mindset does it take to work in cyber security? This is where diversity becomes so crucially important. Nadia and Elke discuss the role diversity of thought plays in crafting effective solutions to tackle the bad players in the space. 

You need to put yourself into a unique pair of shoes; remove yourself from the goals of cyber security. Linear thinking doesn't invite this. Thank you Elke for joining us on the Women of FinTech Podcast!

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