FinTech's DEI Discussions #WomenofFinTech | Sarah Persov, Engineering Team Lead at Dojo

Nadia Edwards-Dashti, CCO & Sarah Persov, Engineering Team Lead

Joining Nadia on this episode of The DEI Discussions is Sarah Persov, Engineering Team Lead at Dojo.

In this episode, we delve into Sarah’s work as an Engineering Lead and a passionate champion of women in tech. We gain valuable insights into fostering diversity within the industry, particularly in promoting women's representation and empowerment. 

The pair discuss the barriers to workplace inclusion and why creating a supportive environment for every employee is crucial. We also learn about the role allies play in building a more inclusive workplace and the power of empathy in driving positive change. 

This episode highlights the significance of gathering feedback and reflecting on behaviours to foster an inclusive workplace which is essential for a thriving corporate culture.

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