Solving the Access Problem with the Time to Give Network

Andrew Kaufmann, Founder - Time to Give Network

In the latest episode of FinTech Focus TV, host Toby Babb sat down with Andrew Kaufman, a veteran in the financial technology space, to discuss his journey and the innovative solutions he's bringing to the industry. 

From Wall Street to Fintech Innovator

Andrew’s journey began on the trading floor at Banker’s Trust, a testament to his deep roots in the financial sector. His early career in institutional sales and market making in foreign exchange set the stage for his transition into the fintech space in 1995. Over nearly three decades, Andrew has navigated various roles, primarily in business development, selling everything from fund administration and outsourcing services to software solutions for trade order management and reconciliation.

This extensive experience gave Andrew a panoramic view of the financial services landscape, particularly from a fintech vendor perspective. His insights into the challenges and inefficiencies in traditional sales and networking processes laid the groundwork for his innovative approach to solving access problems within the industry.

Identifying Friction Points in Fintech Recruitment

Andrew’s decision to pivot from a secure role in fintech sales to founding the Time to Give Network was driven by a desire to address long-standing frustrations in the sales process, particularly the issue of timely access to key decision-makers. Traditional networking methods often result in prolonged timelines, with multiple touchpoints required before securing a meaningful interaction. This inefficiency not only delays potential business opportunities but also increases the risk of losing prospects to competitors.

The fintech recruitment landscape faces similar challenges. Fintech recruitment agencies and fintech recruiters often struggle to connect the right talent with the right opportunities swiftly. The traditional methods of reaching out through emails, LinkedIn messages, and networking events can be time-consuming and yield suboptimal results. Andrew’s insights highlight the need for more streamlined and effective approaches to bridge these gaps.

The Birth of the Time to Give Network

The Time to Give Network emerged from Andrew’s period of reflection between jobs. This platform offers a unique solution to the problem of access by allowing individuals to book meetings with industry experts in exchange for donations to their chosen charities. This model benefits all parties involved: it provides a cost-effective way for sales professionals and job seekers to secure valuable meetings, supports charitable causes, and allows experts to manage their time efficiently while contributing to a good cause.

How the Time to Give Network Revolutionises Access

The Time to Give Network operates on a simple yet effective model. Individuals seeking access to experts—be it for business development, networking, or mentorship—can make a donation to a charity selected by the expert in exchange for a meeting. This approach compresses the traditional networking timeline significantly, providing immediate access to valuable connections.

For fintech recruitment agencies and fintech recruiters, this model offers a novel way to connect with potential candidates and clients. By leveraging the Time to Give Network, recruiters can quickly secure meetings with industry leaders, facilitating faster placements and more effective talent acquisition.

Building a Community of TimeGivers

A crucial element of the Time to Give Network is its community of TimeGivers—industry professionals who offer their time in exchange for charitable donations. The platform ensures that these professionals can control the terms of their engagement, including the duration and timing of meetings, the donation amount, and the charities they wish to support. This flexibility makes it an attractive proposition for experts across the fintech industry, encouraging participation and fostering a sense of community.

Andrew emphasised that the Time to Give Network is structured as a Community Interest Company (CIC), ensuring that all excess revenue is directed towards charitable causes. This model not only builds trust within the community but also aligns with the corporate social responsibility goals of participating organisations.

The Role of Fintech Recruitment Agencies

Fintech recruitment agencies can play a pivotal role in promoting and utilising the Time to Give Network. By encouraging their network of professionals to participate as TimeGivers, these agencies can enhance their value proposition, offering a unique service that supports both professional development and charitable giving. Additionally, fintech recruiters can use the platform to identify and connect with potential candidates, streamlining the recruitment process and improving placement outcomes.

Future Prospects and Expansion

The Time to Give Network is currently focused on the UK financial services industry, but there are plans for global expansion. The model’s scalability means it can be applied across various sectors and regions, including pharmaceuticals and other industries where timely access to decision-makers is critical.

For fintech recruitment agencies, the platform offers an opportunity to expand their reach and improve their services. By integrating the Time to Give Network into their recruitment strategies, agencies can enhance their ability to match top talent with leading fintech companies, driving growth and innovation within the industry.

Andrew’s appearance on FinTech Focus TV provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of fintech recruitment and the innovative solutions that can address its challenges. The Time to Give Network exemplifies how technology and philanthropy can intersect to create a win-win scenario for all stakeholders involved. For fintech recruitment agencies, fintech recruiters, and professionals seeking careers in fintech, platforms like the Time to Give Network offer a promising pathway to more efficient and impactful networking and recruitment.

As the fintech industry continues to grow and evolve, embracing such innovative models will be crucial in overcoming traditional barriers and fostering a more connected and collaborative ecosystem. The Time to Give Network stands as a testament to the power of creativity and altruism in driving positive change within the industry.

Overall, the conversation delves into Andrew’s career trajectory, the challenges within the fintech recruitment sector, and the inception of the Time to Give Network, a platform designed to revolutionise access to industry experts while supporting charitable causes. This episode aims to unpack the key highlights from their discussion, shedding light on the intricacies of fintech jobs, careers in fintech, and the role of fintech recruitment agencies in shaping the industry's future.

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